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Today the idea is to talk about the English classes in the university, give our opinion about the dynamics of the classes and talk about what we learned but I want to start talking about my experience with the English courses since my elementary school, in order of evidencing the deficit of English courses in my time. The first thing to consider regarding my knowledge of the English language is that. W hen I was studying in my primary school, my teacher of English was not good, the class is very bad and boring although her knowledge was basic thinking that she was an older woman from a rural school, who never took training course after graduating from a teacher. When I was to high school my knowledge of English was wrong, whereby I had to take private English lessons to level with my classmates. The first year in the high school I had a good teacher of English but the next years a new teacher arrived to school, graduated of the University del Mar and she was not a very good teac
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Today we will talk about our educational experience at the university. I’m a sociology student and in these four years in the university my life has been reduced in knowledge, learning, personal growth, stress, insomnia, mental fatigue, etc. But I’m one of those people who believe that in this life the challenges make you grow and mature as a person, that when you fall, you stumble, or you run out, you cry for a while, you free yourself and then you get up and move on. Regarding the curriculum and the subjects I would like to see subjects with more contemporary themes, I believe that there are social and research issues in contingency related to this century and the past, which are not yet addressed in the faculty, many of the professors do not they update their knowledge in post of the new academic innovations, on the other hand, although I believe that the technological resources are satisfactory and the infrastructure has improved, but the teachers have not yet updated th
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I'm not sure specifically that I want that continue study after I finish my sociology degree. But sometime I think about study an degree as journalism, because I like the national and international contingency, the jouralistic investigation, the investigation in field, etc. Although this would mean pay for other degree, study 4 or 5 years, more, and I don't know if I can pay or start a new project. Furthermore,  this year I meat some Mexican students of doctorate in agronomy who have invited me to continue my studies of postgraduate in Mexico trough state scholarships from the Mexican government for students of foreigners, the idea is to link economic sociology with agricultural production. This idea I like to much because I’m interested in meat the farming experience in other countries. The true is that I’m really interested in the regional decentralization, the education, economic productions, and the social reality of the regional localities for know the problems and solve
Today I talk about I would like to work in the future. Actually I´m study Sociology but I’m not sure if at graduate I will star to working or I will do a master’s degree. I thought I could to work for the municipality in some department like education department, health department, etc. I´m really interested work for the local development to improve the quality of education system related to the kind of agricultural jobs. Another possibility is that I become in municipal councilor, municipal mayor or have a provincial government. I really like to help local development above all due to the situation in which the Maule region related to the unemployment, low agricultural productivity, among other bad conditions. I know it’s very likely that my future work is more office that outdoors, but I want involve the people of the community and work from the reality of the farm, producer, student, teachers, etc. Obviously I like have a good salary for, I don’t want to be rich but a salary
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Most of the musical sows or concert that I’ve been to have been free or local festival. But the first and only concert that pay, I’ve gone was the 28 February 2013 when The Jonas Brother they came to Chile at the Movistar Arena for the last time. The Jonas Brother was the boy band that shape in 2006 whit the   disc “It’s about time” but this don’t have exit , the next year with the record company   Hollywood Record the recorded disc of name “Jonas Brothers” given that   in the year 2008 whit the song “Burning Up” they reached the fifth position in the Billboard hot 100. The boy band was integrated for three Brother of New Jersey: Joseph Jonas (Joe), Nicholas Jonas (Nick), and Kevin Jonas, also to sing; they acted, and play different musical instrument. I was saving money the after year to pay my ticket in first row, the cost this was $140.000 Chilean pesos. The day of the concert my father was whit me to Santiago from Curico, he stayed outside Movistar Arena. The concert was